Nature has given the child two parents, the law gives but one, and it is the father when the child is born in wedlock, but if the child is born out of wedlock, it is the mother. 按自然法则,孩子有双亲,但法律只承认其中一亲,即婚生子女的父亲或非婚生子女的母亲。
Paternity is an important part of marriage and family relations. Although there is regulation on child born in wedlock in our country, however, legal institution on the presumption and disaffirmation of paternity is absent. 亲子关系是婚姻家庭关系的重要组成部分,我国目前虽然有婚生子女的规定,但是,还没有关于亲子关系推定和否认的法律制度。